◉ Effects Studio 是一个无损照片编辑器,提供基础图像编辑功能,效果显著且轻松上手。
◉ For the best user experience you need at least an iPhone 5 or higher, iPad 4 or higher.
◉ 新闻回顾
• "Effects Studio is a great editor for many photographers, with
features that should appeal to iPhoneographers who want sophisticated editing options" - Mel Martin - Life In Lofi
• "For a multitude of effects and blending tools to make your photos as unique as you are" Allyson Kazmucha - iMore - Best photo editing apps for iPad
• "If you fancy image overlays and want a better filter selection via photo extensions, check out Effects Studio." Allyson Kazmucha - iMore - Best photo extension apps for iPhone.
• "Effects Studio for iOS takes photo effects to the max" - Mel Martin - TUAW
• "Effects Studio is useful when you want to go beyond just representing what you photographed, it’s an app I use when I need to go beyond the basics." – Mel Martin - Life In LoFi
• "Effects Studio balances professional and fun photo editing in one app" - AppAdvice
• "Effects Studio is a must have app to have in your app hoarding collection" - Tina Rice (Combo Apps)
• "Effects Studio king of photo editing" - MacPreview
• "If you want to make photo editing fun, Effects Studio is the photo editing app for you. It’s easy to use, has a wide range of tools and options to choose from. This app is great!" - Hypi.st!
• "Useful Photo Filter and Editing App for iOS with some Extra Features: Effects Studio" - Graham K. Rogers, Mahidol University in Thailand.
◉ No need to resize your photos in square format, unless you want, use your photos in their natural format. Just do as you like! Filters and effects fit your photos and not the opposite :)
◉ No In-App purchase or advertising! All current and future content available after a one time purchase!
◉ 无论您是偶尔拍照还是拍照狂人,Effects studio 都可以美化您的照片,帮您实现基本上您所能想到的所有处理要求
◉ 您可以对您朋友的照片进行涂鸦或美化操作,并将自己的成果分享给大家,有些人会将照片扭曲得面目全非,说实在的,这样的照片还真不该拿出来……
◉ 功能:
• 滤镜 - 75 个标准滤镜
• 混合 - 285 个自定义滤镜
• 调节 - 亮度、对比度和颜色。.
• 特效 - 49 : 除斑、色度、强光、图像模糊、阴影、色调分离、像素、锐化、孔、修剪。...
• 模糊与对焦 - 常规、光环和光带。
• 剪辑 - 人像、风景、五个预定义尺寸和自定义。
• 旋转 - 45 度、自定义、水平翻转/垂直翻转
• 调整大小 - 8 个预定义尺寸:240、320、480、640、800、960、1024、2048 及自定义
• 色调曲线 -
• 泼溅为焦点应用于一个或多个颜色
• 使用指尖在您的图像上涂画
• 为图片添加文本
• 大量贴纸、表情符号、恐怖面具、边框和假发为您的照片提供增强效果,让您尽情表达自己的情绪和创意。
◉ Effects Studio 经过测试可以在 iPhone 4s 上使用,但是如果要实现最佳用户体验,您需要 iPhone 5 或更高版本。